Multi-Merchant App: Overview
The Multi-Merchant store or Multi-seller store is a store that contains offers and products from more than a seller where sellers or merchants pay you as a store admin a commission on their sales or a price for listing products and you can make subscription plans for the sellers too. you can even make it for free. Sellers will have their accounts in which they can manage their products, inventory, orders, and more freely. But the thing is, the transactions and actions will be processed through you as a store admin, which creates a win-win situation for both parties. You as a store admin will get a bigger inventory and more items on your store and the sellers will get a platform to sell their products in exchange for that.
You will get several benefits when using the Multi-Merchant app on the financial and commercial levels, it will help you to grow your store fastly, the main features you will get using this app:
Expands your store since the sellers will help your store to include more products
Increases sales as a result of the increase in products on the store, which allows customers to roam between multiple options and thus their opportunity to purchase will be more than before.
Reaching a large segment of the audience, and this is a result of the increase in the number and diversity of products, which attracts different customers and a larger number
Increasing the number of purchases that will be made through your online store, due to the diversity of different product categories and sections at different prices, meaning you can now reach different segments and levels of society and meet what suits them the most
Increasing profits is an inevitable result with the increase in sales of your online store, but you will have additional income now as a result of the commission (If you set one) that you will get from each merchant after selling their products through your store according to the method of work that you will put.
To install the app, all you need to do is access the Apps and Services, search for the app, and open its page to install it:
Once the application is installed, you will head to its page and you will be able to manage the multi-merchant system and access the application control panel through this tab:
To know how to manage the app and use it, please visit the rest of this category's articles.

You will get several benefits when using the Multi-Merchant app on the financial and commercial levels, it will help you to grow your store fastly, the main features you will get using this app:
Expands your store since the sellers will help your store to include more products
Increases sales as a result of the increase in products on the store, which allows customers to roam between multiple options and thus their opportunity to purchase will be more than before.
Reaching a large segment of the audience, and this is a result of the increase in the number and diversity of products, which attracts different customers and a larger number
Increasing the number of purchases that will be made through your online store, due to the diversity of different product categories and sections at different prices, meaning you can now reach different segments and levels of society and meet what suits them the most
Increasing profits is an inevitable result with the increase in sales of your online store, but you will have additional income now as a result of the commission (If you set one) that you will get from each merchant after selling their products through your store according to the method of work that you will put.
To install the app, all you need to do is access the Apps and Services, search for the app, and open its page to install it:
Once the application is installed, you will head to its page and you will be able to manage the multi-merchant system and access the application control panel through this tab:
To know how to manage the app and use it, please visit the rest of this category's articles.

Updated on: 23/02/2023
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