Articles on: Marketing & Sales Channels

Marketing Campaigns (Sending E-Mails & SMS Messages)

You can send an E-Mail or an SMS message to your customers or one of your customers easily through your dashboard.

To be able to send E-Mails to your customers, you will need to set up a mail server for your store, to know how to do so, please visit this article. Nevertheless, to send an E-Mail, we will refer to the Campaigns located in the Marketing as follows:

To: Select the customers you want to send the E-Mail to.

Subject: The subject or the title of the E-Mail.

Message: Type the E-Mail content, you can align, design it, and add media to it easily, as well as, using the variables to save your time and it's necessary to use them in case the E-Mail will be sent to more than a customer.

To be able to send an SMS message, make sure to enable the SMS app, to know how to do so, please visit this article, once it's enabled, you will be able to select the SMS option after accessing the Campaigns page:

Updated on: 23/01/2023

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