Articles on: Apps

Lableb Product Search & Discovery App

Empower your e-commerce site with Lableb’s AI-powered product search & discovery to ensure your clients can reach all your product catalogs, regardless of the search words they use or the typos they do while using the search engine. Lableb is for anyone who seeks an outstanding digital experience for their users, which in turn drives relevant results, and helps users find what they are looking for. It enables search on e-commerce platforms, understanding users’ intent, and helps them to find what they are searching for quickly and accurately. Lableb will provide you with an analytics report, including the results that appeared to your customers as well as whether the customer clicked on one of the results or not. Your way to boost your revenues and provide your customers with their needs.

In this article, we will let you know how to:

- Install the app and register an account

- Set up the app's configuration

- Check the analytics reports


Surface the content that is most relevant to your users and engage them with your company based on your own criteria. 
Guide your users to what they search for before finishing their typing.
A smart search understands your users' search even with typos or spelling mistakes.
Let your users sort and filter the search results by attributes such as date, price, author, location, content type, etc.
Real-time, actionable insights about your users' search habits and activity. Determine your search engine performance to customize and improve it.
Fast, hosted and scalable search is our core focus. From small data to millions of data. Full encryption and highest industry standards in security, data privacy, and data protection.
Support Arabic and English searches inside any website/app. More languages are supported based on your needs
Fine-tune your search results using the interface to give the most relevant results for every user.
 Increase your customer engagement, drive traffic to your website, and provide relevant material to shoppers with AI-powered recommendations.
Bring together all your existing content under one search index. Include subdomains and even separate domains in the same search.`

In a few simple steps, you can install and use Lableb Product Search & Discovery App to fix all of your search engine's issues effortlessly. 

Install the app and register an account:

Firstly, we will need to access the "App and Services" page and search for Lableb to install it:

By clicking on the Try it button, the app will be installed and can be used for free for a while:

To register an account, you will have to refer to this button once we install the app:

Once you fill in the data, the email will be created and you can log in normally to your Lableb account using the same information (Email and Password)

Set up the app's configuration:

After filling in our Lableb Email and password we will make sure that the status is enabled then we will click on the "Save" button, afterwards, we will click on "Index Products" if we just installed the app:

Please note that Indexing your products may take a while, based on your products number, to get benefited from the app, we can't skip this step, once it's done we will make sure to click on the "Save" button and the rest of the fields will be filled automatically:

Check the analytics reports:

Once we complete the registration and the configuration, we will be able to open our Lableb account to get the analytics reports and get the detailed information regarding the search results, and customers' interactions:

For further queries regarding Lableb services, please contact Lableb team through Lableb website or the following email address:

Updated on: 23/01/2023

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