Articles on: Apps

Friendly URLs App

Enhance your SEO by enabling advanced automatically generated friendly URLs for your store. The app is pre-configured with SEO best practices and it works on all pages. 

In this article we will guide you on:

Install the app
Create a custom URL schema
Use cases

The following features are available in the app:

Enable friendly URLs for all pages including products, categories, brands, information pages, and other static pages
Ability to set custom URL schema for each type of page
The app is pre-configured with best practices SEO rules
Different URLs for Arabic and English versions of the pages

**Install the app:**

We will search for the app in order to open its page and install it through the "Apps and Services" tab located in the dashboard:

Once the app is installed, we will be redirected to its settings, we will make sure to enable its status:

We can enable the second option if we want the old URL links to be reformatted to the new friendly one, the third option is to add the language to the URL link e.g. 

**Create a custom URL schema:**

You can create a custom URL schema for each language if you enabled the third option and a global one if you didn't, you just need to delete the one you want to replace first (Please don't delete any schema that you won't add a replacement for it):

We will have the option to set a language for the rule or set it for all languages through the second option after selecting the group from the first option:

After setting the Prefix, we can adjust the URL link by choosing the variables in the URL schema row and the full URL link will be shown below the URL schema, once we're done we will click on the "Save" button (If you clicked twice on the save button and the rule will have a duplicate)

**Use cases:**

 -Deleting one of a global schema and adding two in each language instead (Add language into URL activated)

1- We will make sure that the one we will delete only has a global schema and if it has one in any of the languages, we will delete it too as follows: 

2- No we will click on the "Add New Rule" button to create one in English and one in Arabic:

3- After choosing the group and the language we will click on the "Save" button only once:

4- After we clicked on the "Save" button we will stay on the same page, then we will change the language from the second option, and the URL language you can set it as you like:

-Creating a global friendly URL link for one of the pages that don't have a schema (Add language to URL not activated)

1- In this example, we will make a schema for the blog post 

2- After choosing the schema and clicking on the save button, customers when they visit any blog post page, the URL link will look like the Final URL schema shown in the previous screenshot.

Updated on: 07/12/2022

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