Articles on: Payment

ExpandPay: Manage your payments

Once you complete your application process and enable ExpandPay a new tab will be available in your dashboard named payments.

This page will enable you to manage the payments you receive and now the status of each transaction made through ExpandPay, there are two tabs:


2-Cash out & account statement.


1-Current balance: the amount of the current transactions you received and did not cash out yet, however, if you requested to chase out or to issue a refund you would find below the amount another amount (the one you requested) on hold.

2-Received balance: The amounts you cashed out.

3-Total amounts: every amount you receive.

4-Status: every transaction attempted will have a status shown under the status column whether it is successful, failed, or pending confirmation.

5- Actions: If you take any action regarding this transaction, such as refunding it, the action taken will be shown.

Account statement

The account statement tab is where you can check all your withdrawals (cashing out) and request new


1-Withdrawals table: will show each withdrawal along with its status.

2-Request withdrawal button: This is the button you use to request a new withdrawal,

kindly note you will be able to cash out the whole amount you received partially withdrawal is not currently available.

Updated on: 23/01/2023

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