Articles on: Store Settings

The Returns settings

To access the Returns settings, please go to the Orders settings through the store settings as follows:

Return Terms: Select the terms that customers must agree on before a return account can be created.

Return Status: Set the default return status when a return request is submitted.

Return Type: Specify whether its a return or cancel type

Return/Cancel Limit: Set the default return/cancel the number of days limit that a customer can return/cancel their orders within.

Limit Unit: You can change the unit of the limit to hours, meaning that the number written in the previous field will be calculated in hours, not in days.

Disabled order return with status: select order status that will prevent the customers from logging a return order request.

Select when to update products' quantity in orders' returns: You can select the status that product quantity will be updated when an order reaches this specified status.

Activate product quantity updating: You can activate or disable the update of the number of products in cases of returned orders.

Finally, To know how to customize the Return Statuses - Return Actions - Return reasons, please check this article.

Updated on: 23/01/2023

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