Articles on: Store Settings

Zoho Mail: How to create a business email with your domain and link it with your store

To create a business email with your domain name (You need to have a domain already) you can subscribe with any Mail server provider and we will allow you to link it to your store, in this article we will let you know how to do so with "Zoho Mail" free bundle:

1- Go to this page, choose "Business Email" and click on "Sign up for free" as shown in the following screenshot:

2- You will be redirected to this page with the paid plans and their prices, you can try one for 15 days for free, if you want to select the free plan directly, scroll down and you will find it then click on "SIGN UP NOW" as shown in the following screenshot:

3- If you didn't have an account with Zoho, you will be asked to provide a name, phone number, Contact email address:

4- Choose the free plan again as follows:

5- Choose "Add an existing Domain" then provide your store's domain:

6- The next step is the domain verification, The record you will add to your domain's logs through the DNS settings will be there to confirm the ownership of the domain, you can select "TXT method" and then copy it through the indicated button beside the record:

7- Please keep the tab opened and open a new tab and go to this page if you booked the domain through us, or your domain's provider account if it was booked through another provider than us. After opening the page, please click on"Domains":

8- You will be redirected to your domain booked through ExpandCart, please choose the domain you want to link with your Zoho account to create a business email for it, click on the "Key" logo beside its name as shown below:

9- After entering the domain's settings, click on "DNS Management":

Note: If this option didn't appear to you, please contact us through: asking for enabling the "DNS Management" and we will enable it for you.

10- Through the DNS management, you will be able to add the record provided by Zoho, select the "SFP TXT" in the "Record Type" field then write @ in the "Host Name" and paste the record you copied in the "Address" field and then click on "Save Changes" as shown in the following screenshot:

11- After adding the record, get back to the Zoho page and click on "Verifi by TXT" and if the record was added properly, the domain will be activated directly:

12- Afterward, you will be redirected to the following page to set an administrative email which will control the account and the other mails' inboxes, you can name it admin or info, since this will be the first email created, after finishing that, click on "Proceed":

13- On the next page if you wanted to create more email addresses, you can do so by clicking on "Add", bear in mind that you can only have 5 email addresses maximum under the free plan including the admin email address, you can add them now or later on when finishing the setting up process:

14- In this step you can add groups, to add a one-click on "Create Your First Group", if you want to add them later on, please click on "Proceed to DNS Mapping":

15- In this step, you will add the records that related to your mail service provider to your domain's DNS Management, please copy the MX records and add them to the domain's DNS settings:

16- If you didn't have enough fields to type the three records, please click on "Save Changes" after adding each one of the three and an extra field will appear every time:

17- After adding them, please click on the following button:

18- After the verification, you will be redirected to this page, click on "Proceed To SPF Configuration":

19- We will repeat what we have just done but the record type will be "SPF":

Before clicking on "Verify SPF Record" we will add it to the DNS management as we did before:

20- In the last verification, we will do that again, copy the record and paste it in the DNS management as follows:

Then before clicking on "Verify DKIM Record" we will add it and click on "Save Changes":

21- Now we've finished the verifications, click on "Proceed To Email Migration":

22- In this step you can transfer/migrate the current email address data (The one you used before creating this one) such as the contacts to your Zoho Mail:

23- After clicking on "Proceed To Mobile Configuration" you can click on "here" shown in the following screenshot to install apps on your smartphone to be connected all of the time. Afterward, please click on "Proceed To Setup completion" and at this point, your business email has been created successfully: 

To link the email with your store to send the emails through it automatically, please go to the store's dashboard and click on the Settings then E-Mail Notifications:

Fill in the required data as follows:

Mail Protocol: Choose STMP
SMTP Host:
Mail Parameters: The email address that the e-mails will be sent from, you can leave this field empty.
SMTP Username: The email address you created on Zoho (The one created with the domain name such as
SMTP Password: The password of the email address you created on Zoho.
SMTP Port: 587

To make sure that the E-Mail address was linked properly to the store, you can go to "Marketing">>"Campaigns" select Customers in the To field then choose a customer to test it, write the subject, message, and then send and check whether it's received or not:

After sending the E-Mail, please wait for a few minutes, once it's sent it means that the linking was done successfully!

Updated on: 23/01/2023

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