Template Editor’s page details (new editor)
With the new template editor tool, you can edit most of your store pages, not just the main store page.
In this article:
Editing Additional Pages.
Publish Button
Reset Button
Main Theme (Color & Font)
You can choose one of the pages you wish to edit on by clicking on the drop-down list, add additional pages to the drop-down list by clicking on the add icon, also, you can click on any of these pages, and you will be directed to this page to edit on it.

Once you have finished editing, click on the Publish button for these changes to be reflected.

If you wish to discard all the modifications that you have previously made and return to the default template, you can do so by clicking the Reset button.

The following confirmation message will be displayed. Confirm your request to rest the template to default.

You can change the general color of the template and the font type for both Arabic and English by clicking this button.

You will be directed to the following page to choose the color and the font you wish to apply to your store.

In this article:
Editing Additional Pages.
Publish Button
Reset Button
Main Theme (Color & Font)
Editing Additional Pages:
You can choose one of the pages you wish to edit on by clicking on the drop-down list, add additional pages to the drop-down list by clicking on the add icon, also, you can click on any of these pages, and you will be directed to this page to edit on it.

Publish Button:
Once you have finished editing, click on the Publish button for these changes to be reflected.

Reset Button:
If you wish to discard all the modifications that you have previously made and return to the default template, you can do so by clicking the Reset button.

The following confirmation message will be displayed. Confirm your request to rest the template to default.

Main Theme (Color & Font):
You can change the general color of the template and the font type for both Arabic and English by clicking this button.

You will be directed to the following page to choose the color and the font you wish to apply to your store.

Updated on: 23/01/2023
Thank you!