Articles on: Shipping

Shipping integrations

You can set up the shipping methods by going to settings Then shipping.

There are several shipping companies that you can link your store with:

For example:

If you wish to Integrate with (Bosta), click on this shipping method.

(the steps that will be applied here  will also be applied to all shipping methods).

First, you have an overview about this company and the benefits offered when you integrate with them.

Click on start.

You will be directed to this page.

These are the needed documents to integrate with this company depending on the nature of your work, companies or individuals.

Click on Proceed.

You will be asked in the following section whether you have an account with this company or not.

Click on (I don’t have an account). You will be given the sign up link, go to this link and create an account.

Once done, return to this page and choose, I have an account.![](

You will be directed to the next page.

This is the information required to complete the integration process.

This data can be obtained through your account with the shipping company that you have created an account with.

Make sure that the information is copied and pasted in it’s field with no spaces.

Make sure that the status is enabled,![](

The shipping gateway is now linked to your store.

Updated on: 23/01/2023

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