Articles on: Products, Collections and Options

Product settings

We will outline the Products settings functions located in the Store Settings:

In this article:

Product View Settings
Manage Products
Stock Management
Product View Settings:

Category Product Count: To show customers the number of the products the category page includes.

Allow Reviews: To allow customers to post reviews for the products, in case disabled the submitted reviews won't be displayed.

Auto Approve Review: To display the reviews without your approval, if disabled, you will need to approve the review first to be displayed through Products>>Reviews.

Hide add to cart button: To hide the add to cart button if the item is out of stock.

Login before add to cart: To hide the add to cart button if the customer browsing the website as a guest.

You can show or hide the following:

Brand Image
Meta Tag
Meta Description

Auto calculate product's price: This button allows you to control the weight option's (If you added one to the item) price automatically.

Show attributes: If the Attributes app is enabled you can select which ones to be displayed to customers.

Product default sort: Choose the sort of the products.

Default sort: Select whether the sort to be ascending or descending.

Controlling Product Qty Per Order: if available you will be able to set a cap for the quantity of the item per order, if enabled, the option to set the quantity will be shown in the product's settings page itself.

Pending order statuses: set the status of the order that once the order reaches to substruct from the stock.

AddThis plugin ID: If you subscribed with AddThis, you can set here the plugin ID.

Default Items Per Page (Catalog): set how many catalog items are shown per page (products, categories, etc)

Image not available placeholder: Upload an image to be displayed if the product doesn't have a one.

Image for products have no image in product details page: Upload an image to be displayed on the product's page that doesn't have a one.

Show Out of Stock Options as Disabled: If one of the prudct's options is out of stock it will be displayed if this switch is enabled.

Show Product Option Price: to display the product option price on the item's page.

Save product Options: Enabling this will allow customers to add product options to url to send it to another customers.

Product option thumb width/Product option thumb height: To adjust the dimensions of the product image shown on the item's thumbnail.

Show Option: Select the items option you want to be shown on the homepage.

Product dimensions units: You can click on the "Manage Measument Units" to add adjust the measurement units.

Manage Products:

Enable products advanced mode: To enable the advanced mode by default when opening the item's page instead of the simple mode.

Barcode type: you will have many types to select between to be your barcode type.

Show Quantity/Show Product SKU in Order Invoice: You can show them by enabling their switches.

Unique SKU: To prevent repeated values for SKU field

Subtract Stock By Default: This option will enable the subtract stock option by default when adding a new item.

Storable products: Enable this will allow customers to require store order products in a local storage in your store.

Show number of products inside category page: To display the number of products inside the category page.

Default Items Per Page (Admin): Number of items to be displayed per page on the products' page that can be accessed through the dashboard as an admin.

Stock Management:

Stock Status: When clicking on "Manage Stock Status" you will be to add new stock statuses as well as editing the current ones.

Display stock: To display the stock quaintly of the item on the storefront.

Show Out Of Stock: If the item is out of stock but can be added to the cart the warning on the cart will be shown to the customer.

Stock Checkout: Allow the customer to order products that are out of stock.

Product Stock Status: To select the default out of stock status for the products that will be added.

Display Stock Status Badge: Select the stock status to be shown as badge on the products.

Updated on: 23/01/2023

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